Wednesday, December 23, 2009

tentang hidup seorang Ibu


» Read more → tentang hidup seorang Ibu

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Playing in Men Sensitive Area

NOT the only woman who has a lot of sensitive organs, which when touched will cause a great chemistry. Men also have a wonderful stimulating point. Well, it's time he touched the sensitive point that is usually neglected!

It is said that he also has a sensitive area of the touch can arouse lust. The difference is only in the power of holding passion. Generally, when Mr. P he has begun "upset", by itself the desire for penetration appears.

To make the event even more turbulent penetration, there's nothing wrong 'play' in sensitive areas like the man who quoted from Cosmopolitan follows:

All the men had power when kissed with a burning desire by women. If your typical gentle woman in a flirtatious, it's time to change yourself to more violent in the bed!

Kiss your partner's lips with a tender, then mashed and more intimate suction lips again. You can occasionally bite selingi with exasperation.

If you want to toss the couple's desire, you can temporarily stop the kiss, then looked at her sharply. Put your finger index finger on his lips. Guaranteed, he will become hot and can not wait to continue to the next session.

Mr. Head. P
This vital part plays an important role for the Adam. Throughout the foreplay, you can try to gently stroke the head of Mr P. It is said, a touch on the head of Mr P can make a man shaking violently.

Also, sensual sensation of your treatment can make a man feel comfortable.

Generally men feel confident when her partner held his testicles. As you explore, the couple will soon be guaranteed launched its P Mr. Miss V on you!

Well, you will begin to explore the area which one?
» Read more → Playing in Men Sensitive Area

Friday, October 16, 2009

As hard Achieve Orgasm

The difficulty to achieve orgasm experienced by women, not only caused by a couple who do not "smart". It may be that this is derived from women's own self.

To be sure, try to be honest with yourself while reading check the following list:

Resignation to the couple

According to sex expert who wrote You Can Be Your Own Sex Therapist, Carole Altman, Ph.D., achieving orgasm is not only determined by paired activity, but also you. Men are more often want to perform intercourse, but women require at least 20 minutes of foreplay before intercourse.

Solution: Do not be afraid to tell your partner that you need to prepare yourself to have intercourse, and you need a longer stimulation to increase arousal.

The mind is not focused

The desire to be perfect is one of the mistakes that it makes women do not achieve pleasure during lovemaking. Sexolog Gloria G. Brame, PhD says that the brain is a vital part to feel the sensation of sex and release substances that trigger a sense of satisfaction.

The thoughts that are not major things, like; "Does this position make me thinner?" or "Is she aware of cellulite on the thighs?" Making women's minds are distracted and lose enjoyment of sexual activity.

Solution: Pause before all thoughts that are not associated with sexual activity. Concentrate on aktvitas being carried out, including the body's reaction. You can also do yoga breathing, which is equated with a pair of respiratory rhythm.

Expect the couple to read minds

You are stunned when he was doing something that does not make you uncomfortable, but did not tell the couple. Actually, he does not think like women and they can not read your mind.

Solution: Say that what he wanted to do for you. This method allows you and your partner achieve satisfaction.


Though not like the things that made your partner, you should express it in a nice way. These conditions make the couple feel comfortable, even have to do something as you wish.

Solution: criticized not mean denounced. You could be telling criticism subtle way.

Too often change positions

You wanted to practice some styles learned from a book, so you many times asking him to change positions to follow the instructions. Gloria again emphasize the key to get satisfaction is to develop a constant rhythm until you reach the climax. Style changes that often it breaks down the rhythm and mood.

Solution: Concentrate first on a common style until you reach the enjoyment. Trying acrobatic styles do not necessarily lead to satisfaction of sex.
» Read more → As hard Achieve Orgasm

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Secret Sex Happy Couple

"What makes a married couple remained intimate and warm in bed?" Said Shanti, a woman who was having problems with their partner.

Shanti Questions may also be asked so many couples who have married and started to find their sexual lives are not as warm as before. A later survey conducted by collecting the marriage counselor and sex to reveal the secret sex lives of couples experience proved happy. And it turned out, the secret is the simple things and do not even require acrobatic style of lovemaking.

1. Retains activity

According to Tina Tessina, Ph.D. author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free, describes sexual activity is recommended but not mean you have to do it every day or as often as possible. Avocation make you and your partner miss each other, and when met at home, your interactions take place very sweet. So no need to stress if you find that within two weeks you do not have sex with a partner. It will only make you enjoy every second of intimate relationship with him.

2. Mutual touch

Barry McCarthy, Ph.D. marriage and sex consultant and author of Rekindling Desire, explained that there were 5 stages in touch. And most couples who have a satisfying sex life to 4 of the 5 levels. "The touch of the hand at the time - when not expected, such as when walking in the mall, or when leaving the office makes you feel close to the couple," explained Barry. Physical contact such as hugging and touching the feet or just curled up watching a show on television is another secret of happy couples make you always have the closeness and intimacy with your spouse even if you're both too tired to have sex.

3. Make Up Sex

Argument usually ends in a reluctance to have sex with their partner. According to Tina Tessina, Ph.D. author of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free says you should not refuse sex even when fighting with a partner. Make up sex gives a strong message to the partner that you love him does not fade even if not agree with him, so that the intimacy was not reduced.

4. Maintaining humor

"My husband and I have never celebrated Valentine's Day, but when Valentine's Day yesterday, he came and gave me a Valentine card is a very big and fake roses filled gliter. It made me moved and amused, "said Amelia, who has been married 3 years.

In addition to serious, there are times when you and your partner can take off all the maturity and being a bit silly. Humorous and a little childish things is a prerequisite for maintaining intimacy.

5. Quickie Sex

"One thing that must be held by the spouse is not memrioritaskan sex with foreplay and romance as the only key to the warmth of your sexual life. Especially for busy couples, "said Laura Berman, Ph.D., director of the Berman Center - couples consultant in Chicago. Laura explained quickie sex can be a satisfying sex while maintaining a warmth and intimacy of your partner, especially for busy because quickie sex is very efficient in time.

Sex is not everything in maintaining intimate relationships in order to stay, but couples who have sexual activity will be more affectionate and understanding. They also will be more romantic and intimate, and rarely argue.
» Read more → Secret Sex Happy Couple

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tip Reach Orgasm After First Multiorgasme

FOR affairs of the bed, women are probably less aggressive to attack. But, for the affairs of orgasm, women remain a champion!

"The female body unconsciously expects more stimulation to bring the climax when intercourse. In the women's bodies are already trained to easily aroused great, or really no mood to make love," said Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, author of The Multi - Orgasmic Woman like that was launched from Redbookmag.

Abrams gave the following telling tricks to make your partner reach orgasm multiorgasme after the first. Curious?

"Give stimulation at the Miss V klirotis couples within 30 seconds after the first orgasm. With these actions, your partner's body is still filled with the sensation of pleasure. So if klirotis Miss V is given a touch, it will quickly lead him achieve multiorgasme," Abrams explained.

Men generally do not power when Mr. P was already turn on. However, if the pair seemed to enjoy the action you "play" area of her G Spot, you can deal with these conditions.

"When Mr. P you can not resist the power of desire, do intercourse while still providing a stimulus to Miss V klirotis partner," said Abrams.

The result? Your spouse will fly to the seventh heaven!
» Read more → Tip Reach Orgasm After First Multiorgasme

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Possible things at First Night

Many wives are anxious or perhaps afraid to face the first night. Feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or not ready. As a result, will lead to disappointment in one side or even both. Well, what else might happen on the wedding night and afterward?
1. PAIN intercourse
Initially, intercourse may be painful, but not on subsequent nights. If the pain for weeks, this certainly is not normal. A torn hymen senyeri not say myths in circulation, except if broken blood vessels, so that more blood out.

Painful intercourse is also experienced remarkable if there is an interruption in the mouth of the vagina (vulva). Could cause an infection (vulvitis), injury, muscle spasms, or anxiety reaction itself.

If the condition of the vulva and vagina is healthy, but intercourse was still painful or unpleasant taste, may have created emotional adjustment, mental, and physical conditions between husband and wife. Thus, sexual communication should not be blocked.

Two-three days after the wedding night, a sudden pain to urinate, not feeling well, nausea, headache, and if great, urine pink or red. This characteristic occurs in the new bride.
Of course, should be given antibiotics bacteria killer, in addition to urinary pain medication. Usually within 3 days Anyang-anyangan was cured, but can recur. Especially if they are not directly micturition was completed intercourse.

While still a girl, could be the first night was not bleeding. That's because the hymen is not only one kind, either holes or elasticity.

In her hymen woman more rigid, the possibility of indirect blood on the first night, and only the next night, or even just a real tear after childbirth. This case is often a tempest at the beginning of marriage. Husbands generally immediately charged the wife was not a girl anymore.

That is, how important sex education for boys and girls. If only every husband knows that the hymen is diversified, he certainly would be wise to face the real wife is still virgin.

The first night is not necessarily always successful. The husband could have been satisfied when it comes to ejaculate, but not necessarily of the wife. New women reach the top or if the foreplay orgasm long enough, the organs and the soul fully ready, and his wife had felt resigned to the total. Like what? Prosperous pleasure, the sensation feels incredible body and soul, not illustrated by the words, which can be repeated as beach combing sea waves.
» Read more → Possible things at First Night

Foreplay For Sex Satisfaction

A friend complained that all this time when she and her husband have intercourse, he can not reach orgasm. He thinks they've been doing preparations before making love, like wearing lingerie sexy, exciting scent. But Anya admitted that he often missed by husband foreplay because the core of the activity is intercourse, intercourse.

Making love is not only the union of the body between men and women, but more than that, how they enjoyed the event and reach orgasm as a sign of satisfaction. That's why foreplay is important.

What is foreplay?

Foreplay is the preparation before intercourse. The form of a series of stimuli that can be tickled and awaken your taste and enhance sexual arousal.

A good foreplay is if the couple can each mediate differences, slowing slightly male arousal and increased slightly in women, and then you two can meet in the middle. Foreplay can be a kiss, a glance or a sentence naughty naughty touch too intimate.

Why foreplay is important?

Because women take longer to reach orgasm than men. A psychologist and sex therapist, Jude Cotter said the response of male sexuality such as lights. If you lit it, the man would immediately aroused, and if you turn it off, it will go down instantly. "Unlike the women, female sexual arousal as iron lighting. You have to wait for the summer and vice versa," said Jude.

Only women who needed just foreplay?

No. Foreplay is not just for your psychological approach, but also important for smooth and powerful erections. According to Shirley Zussman, a sex therapist, many men say that long foreplay improve the quality of their orgasms. Even the older a man, they are increasingly considered important foreplay to their sex lives. "The older a man, he will require more direct stimulation to the genital area in order to erect as young," said Shirley explained.

How long does foreplay last?

The duration of foreplay is very dependent on you and your partner. Can be 10 minutes, or even 2 hours. A survey ever conducted to 709 female nurses, the average length of foreplay they think about 17 minutes. But this is not the ideal size. There is no ideal time for the foreplay. If it should take 1 hour, but the results are really worth it, why not?

The characteristics of successful foreplay?

- Putting hardened and erect
- Flushed cheeks
- Breath heavy
- Clitoris tighten
- Area V wet
- Smile unique

Special Tip:

Actually you do not need to worry. Not hard to arouse him. Focus your attention on the genital area, do not forget your inner thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Very sensitive area, you can treat it with a soft touch or kiss. But remember, do not do it too long because the guy easily aroused. Conversely, for those who do not feel pleasure making love. You need to communicate to her husband. Or a scout him so you both can feel the satisfaction.
» Read more → Foreplay For Sex Satisfaction